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Text File | 1993-05-27 | 7.6 KB | 166 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- ChangeMaker 2.0
- Introduction
- ChangeMaker is yet another application that modifies the type and creator of a
- file. ChangeMaker doesn't necessarily require System 7 to run but it does
- require Apple Events, Gestalt and the pop up control proc. If you have System 7,
- you should be all set. ChangeMaker is shareware. I'm asking for $5 as a
- registration fee. If you mail me $6 and a disk, I'll mail back the latest
- version. The extra dollar is for stamps.
- If you know how to use ResEdit, you can easily add/or change the applications in
- ChangeMaker’s popup menu, (see instructions below). Choosing entries from this
- popup menu fills in the type and creator edit boxes, so you don’t have to
- remember cryptic file type and creator codes. Since ChangeMaker fills in the
- type and creator of the file you pass to it, you can also use it to find out the
- type and creator of any file. ChangeMaker will change files one at a time or
- abunch at a time.
- For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, a Macintosh file has a
- creator and a type associated with it. Files on other operating systems usually
- don’t store this information. The Macintosh operating system uses this
- information when you double click on a data file to open the correct
- application. The operating system then informs the application that it should
- open the data file. When a file is imported from another operating system, it is
- assigned some generic file type. This yields files that can’t be opened by
- double clicking on them. ChangeMaker allows you to set the file type and
- creator.
- Note that changing file types and creators is a little on the dangerous side. Be
- careful.
- If you choose to keep ChangeMaker send $5 US to:
- Geoffrey Clements
- 19 Samuel Rd.
- Chelsford, MA 01824
- Sending cash in the mail is not a good idea, send a cheque or money order
- please. Don't send $5 for each machine you use ChangeMaker on. I register to an
- individual and that individual can use ChangeMaker on all the machines they
- personally use. If you are an MIS manager don't send $5 and install ChangeMaker
- on every machine in the company. Send $5 for each user. If you have a zillion
- users send me an E-mail or a letter and we will talk about a site license.
- Instructions
- To invoke ChangeMaker drag a file or some files onto ChangeMaker’s icon. A
- dialog box will appear asking you what you’d like to change the type and creator
- to. There is an option to change all the files dropped onto ChangeMaker using
- the current settings in the dialog box. If the “change all files” option is not
- chosen ChangeMaker will cycle through the files you draged onto it one at a
- time. The “change all files” option can be chosen at any time, but remember all
- the rest of the files will be modified to the current settings.
- More detailed Instructions
- The only window ChangeMaker has is a “changing” dialog box.
- The name of the file being changed is at the top of the changing dialog box.
- Underneath is a popup menu containing a list of applications this copy of
- ChangeMaker knows about.
- Below the popup menu there are two edit boxes into which you can enter a type
- and creator for file types not listed under the popup menu. When an item is
- chosen from the popup menu a type and creator is entered for you, into the edit
- boxes. Note that file type and creator are exactly four characters long. The
- changing dialog will stay up if you try to enter a shorter or longer string.
- Note that some applications use space as one of the characters. MPW is one of
- them so it’s creator looks like it only has three characters. “MPS ” Finally
- there are four buttons at the bottom. They are: “Change”, “Skip”, “Last one”,
- “Skip last one”. Clicking on “Change” causes the specified change to be made.
- (The change is made even if the file type and creator edit boxes are not
- edited.) “Skip” causes the current file to be skipped and the next file is
- processed. “Last one” causes the file to be modified and the program exits even
- if there are more files to be processed. Finally “Skip last one” causes the
- current file to be skipped and the program exits even if there are more files to
- process.
- Easy, right!
- Tips
- I keep an alias to ChangeMaker on the desktop near the lower left hand corner of
- the screen. Any time I want to change a document, I just drag it onto the alias.
- If I get a file from someone, and a GetInfo on it just says it’s a “document”, I
- drag it onto the alias to check it’s type. I may have a program that can
- reconize the file’s type, if not the file’s creator.
- Changing the supported file types and creators using ResEdit.
- First, always edit a copy of ChangeMaker, never the original. You want a version
- you can return to if something goes wrong.
- Menu resource 128 contains the popup menu with the supported applications. The
- four character codes for the applications are stored in STR# resources. STR#
- resource 128 contains the first menu entry, 129 the second, etc. To change a
- supported file signiture. Use ResEdit to modify menu resource 128 and the STR#
- corresponding to the menu modified. To add a new file signature just add a menu
- entry onto the end of menu 128. And add a resource in sequence at the end of the
- STR# resources. The STR# resources have two strings corresponding to the creator
- and type. The order is crucial. First is creator. Second is type.
- Note that you must have at least as many STR# resources as you have entries in
- menu resource 128. Ideally they should be the same.
- Legal Stuff
- The source is not, and will never be, available.
- ChangeMaker cannot be sold, either by itself or in combination with any other
- product, without my express written permission. The one exception to this rule
- is made for user groups. If you're a user group which is publishing a CD-ROM or
- floppy collection, you may include ChangeMaker and all of its included files
- without restriction, save that the original package is included. Contact me for
- up-to-date versions and information.
- ChangeMaker may be posted on an information service which charges its users for
- general connection time and downloading, but it may NOT be posted to an
- information service which will charge for the specific right to download
- ChangeMaker, without my express written permission.
- The following warranty is merely to cover the bases:
- Geoffrey Clements makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the
- software or documentation including (but not limited to) implied warranties of
- merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will Geoffrey
- Clements be liable for loss of profits or goodwill or other indirect, special,
- incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software
- or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Geoffrey
- Clements shall have no liability for any data stored with this program,
- including the costs of recovering such data.
- Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
- liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or
- exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
- and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
- ChangeMaker is copyright ©1993 by Geoffrey P. Clements. All rights reserved.
- Other programs by Geoff Clements
- FindIt: Drop a folder of files on this application and FindIt will search
- through the text files for text you specify. If it finds a match it displays the
- full pathname, the line number the text was found on, and the line itself.
- FindIt requires system 7 to run. FindIt is free.
- History
- 2.0.0 First public release.
- Geoffrey Clements
- Internet:
- clementsg@js3-vax.hanscom.af.mil
- clementsg@gw1.hanscom.af.mil
- US postal:
- 19 Samuel Rd.
- Chelmsford, MA 01824